Episode 24: Collaborate

The Pivoting Musician | Episode 24: Collaborate

Are you a musician who desires to network and collaborate with like-minded music individuals but don’t know where to start? No worries! Garrett and Heidi give you some things to consider as you hone your networking skills. 

Networking or collaborating must be part of the modern-day musician’s weekly schedule. Don’t wait for people or opportunities to knock on your door; instead, you get to know people on your own time, cultivate said relationship, and then invite people through your door of opportunity. 

If you like this week’s sneak peek of Webinar #2 and want to hear the rest of the conversation, please subscribe to the Pivoting Post. Here, we will send a YouTube link where you can watch the rest! Enjoy!

E24 – Resources Mentioned:

Follow The Pivoting Musician!

Episode 20: Five Skills That Every Musician Needs to Have!

The Pivoting Musician | Episode 20: Five Skills That Every Musician Needs to Have!

In today’s episode, Garrett and Heidi talk about the top five characteristics every modern-day musician needs to have in their wheelhouse. The times are changing, and we need to be adaptable and flexible. We need to hone new skills to meet the current market’s demands. Listen to today’s episode to hear what these five characteristics are! 

Please subscribe to The Pivoting Musician’s podcast so you don’t miss out on the valuable information! We are launching a new podcast episode every Tuesday! Thanks!

E20 – Resources Mentioned:

Follow The Pivoting Musician!