Episode 29: Say Yes to Yourself!

The Pivoting Musician | Episode 29: “Say Yes to Yourself!”

Join Heidi and Garrett in this stimulating conversation among friends about pivoting, music business, corporate sponsorships, and building relationships.

Garrett interviewed Heidi for his podcast, The Portfolio Composer, and we decided to do a cross-over! The conversation was so good that we wanted our TPM listeners to get access to the valuable content, too!

Register to The Pivoting Musicians’ webinar that is scheduled for July 28, 2022, at 4:30 PM CT for a time of community and learning. We will discuss your pivot, collaborations, creations, marketing, and enrollment. We can’t wait to see you!

The link is found below. Register now! Thanks!

E29 – Resources Mentioned:

Follow Garrett Hope!

Follow Heidi Kay Begay!

Episode 28: You’re Invited!

The Pivoting Musician | Episode 28: You’re Invited!

Do you feel absolutely lost in your music career and don’t know the direction to take it? Do you want to leave your academic music job because you’re tired of the low pay and countless hours required? Or perhaps you’re fed up with knocking on the gatekeeper’s door and not hearing a response from the search committee on whether or not you received the academic or orchestral position?

If you said “yes” to any of these scenarios, we encourage you to be the CEO of your own music job. Stop knocking on the search committee’s door, and start building your door. There is no reason why you cannot begin teaching, coaching, and playing with the people who inspire and motivate you while having a financially fulfilling career.

Join us at the next TPM webinar, which is scheduled for Thursday, July 28, 2022, at 4:30 P.M./CDT. Click the link below to register for this one-time event with Garrett and Heidi.

Learn about TPM’s five pillars and how it can start guiding you to your successful pivot today! We are cheering you on! 

E28 – Resources Mentioned:

  • TPM’s Webinar: Register Here!

Follow The Pivoting Musician!