Episode 30: Coaching Session with David Michael Hyde


The Pivoting Musician | Episode 30: Coaching Session with David Michael Hyde

This webinar turned into an impromptu power hour with David Michael Hyde. 

David took The Pivoting Musician’s class in February of 2022 and showed up to support Sarah, Garrett, and Heidi through the TPM webinar on 8.4.2022. Little did we know that he would be the only live attendee from the registered list, so we decided to pivot into using that time to serve David. 

We were able to explore how his new entrepreneurial journey has been since the February class. So listen to him talk about his initial TPM experience, what he’s learned, and what he is currently working on as a musicpreneur! 

To receive your 10% discount off of September’s tuition, schedule your August 11th, 18th, or 25th call before Monday, August 8, 2022! Talk to you soon!

E30 – Resources Mentioned:

Follow The Pivoting Musician!

Additional Resources:

Episode 29: Say Yes to Yourself!

The Pivoting Musician | Episode 29: “Say Yes to Yourself!”

Join Heidi and Garrett in this stimulating conversation among friends about pivoting, music business, corporate sponsorships, and building relationships.

Garrett interviewed Heidi for his podcast, The Portfolio Composer, and we decided to do a cross-over! The conversation was so good that we wanted our TPM listeners to get access to the valuable content, too!

Register to The Pivoting Musicians’ webinar that is scheduled for July 28, 2022, at 4:30 PM CT for a time of community and learning. We will discuss your pivot, collaborations, creations, marketing, and enrollment. We can’t wait to see you!

The link is found below. Register now! Thanks!

E29 – Resources Mentioned:

Follow Garrett Hope!

Follow Heidi Kay Begay!

Episode 28: You’re Invited!

The Pivoting Musician | Episode 28: You’re Invited!

Do you feel absolutely lost in your music career and don’t know the direction to take it? Do you want to leave your academic music job because you’re tired of the low pay and countless hours required? Or perhaps you’re fed up with knocking on the gatekeeper’s door and not hearing a response from the search committee on whether or not you received the academic or orchestral position?

If you said “yes” to any of these scenarios, we encourage you to be the CEO of your own music job. Stop knocking on the search committee’s door, and start building your door. There is no reason why you cannot begin teaching, coaching, and playing with the people who inspire and motivate you while having a financially fulfilling career.

Join us at the next TPM webinar, which is scheduled for Thursday, July 28, 2022, at 4:30 P.M./CDT. Click the link below to register for this one-time event with Garrett and Heidi.

Learn about TPM’s five pillars and how it can start guiding you to your successful pivot today! We are cheering you on! 

E28 – Resources Mentioned:

  • TPM’s Webinar: Register Here!

Follow The Pivoting Musician!

Episode 26: Market

The Pivoting Musician | Episode 26: Market

If you are like most musicians who obtained a traditional music degree, chances are you were not taught about marketing. So why would the music school teach you such a topic if you focused on obtaining a traditional music job, such as an orchestral or academic position? What happens, though, when you aren’t on the traditional path, and you are your own music boss?! If this is you, then you need to know how to market!

It’s one thing to create your product or service, but if nobody knows about your offering, how will they enroll and become a diehard client? You, the business owner, need to let your tribe know about your offerings through marketing. When marketing is done well, your people will flock to you and your business. They will want to engage with your posts and start building meaningful relationships with you. Learn how to start marketing for your music business today! 

If you want to obtain all of the information from this January 2022 webinar, you need to subscribe to the Pivoting Post. Here, a YouTube link will be sent to you for the entire webinar, plus a live Q&A at the end! The Q&A is just as valuable as the webinar because musicians (just like yourself!) are asking outstanding questions! 

Enroll in the Pivoting Post today! Thanks!

E26 – Resources Mentioned:

Follow The Pivoting Musician!

Episode 25: Create

create, musical creations, music creations, creations, creation, music and arts, fine arts, idea, ideas, musicians who create, pivot, change, the pivoting musician

The Pivoting Musician | Episode 25: Create

Are you a musician with many phenomenal ideas, but they are just sitting on the backburner? You know it’s time for your ideas to start simmering, if not boiling, but you don’t know where to start.

We hear you. The creative process can get messy, but that’s its beauty. Don’t let your busy schedule or imposter syndrome get in the way of putting your creations into the world. Instead, we want you to feel creatively fulfilled and your ideas (turned into services and, or products) to impact your community in ways you cannot imagine!

What are you waiting for? Listen to the episode to discover how you can start putting your creations into the world today!

E25 – Resources Mentioned:

Follow The Pivoting Musician!

Episode 24: Collaborate

The Pivoting Musician | Episode 24: Collaborate

Are you a musician who desires to network and collaborate with like-minded music individuals but don’t know where to start? No worries! Garrett and Heidi give you some things to consider as you hone your networking skills. 

Networking or collaborating must be part of the modern-day musician’s weekly schedule. Don’t wait for people or opportunities to knock on your door; instead, you get to know people on your own time, cultivate said relationship, and then invite people through your door of opportunity. 

If you like this week’s sneak peek of Webinar #2 and want to hear the rest of the conversation, please subscribe to the Pivoting Post. Here, we will send a YouTube link where you can watch the rest! Enjoy!

E24 – Resources Mentioned:

Follow The Pivoting Musician!

Episode 23: Pivot

The Pivoting Musician | Episode 23: Pivot

Garrett and Heidi are repackaging webinar content delivered in January 2022 through your earbuds! These upcoming episodes will be a five-part series, and today’s episode is Part 1, which is all about pivoting. The first half of the webinar is made available today in E23, and if you wish to hear the rest of the valuable content, please subscribe to the Pivoting Post. By doing so, you will get the second half of the webinar. The information is so good that you most likely will want to take notes! Enjoy!

E23 – Resources Mentioned:

Follow The Pivoting Musician!

Episode 17: Action Leads to Clarity

Garrett Hope, Heidi Kay Begay, pivot, change, pivoted, music, musician, music studio, DFW musician, Dallas musician, Fort Worth musician, musician for hire, pivot with us, art, fine arts, Nebraska musician, Lincoln musician, Texas music, webinar, music webinar, music score, music studio, music lessons, action, actions, flute 360, the portfolio composer, musicians who podcast

As you are making your pivot, a lot of things can feel unclear. We get it. It can be confusing in the midst of these changes what your pivot is going to look like, and what you are pivoting into. However, when you start to take action your path will be illuminated. Your doubts and uncertainty will begin to have clarity. Listen to today’s episode to hear more about this! We are rooting for you!

E17 – Resources Mentioned:

Follow The Pivoting Musician!

Episode 16: Failing Forward

Garrett Hope, Heidi Kay Begay, pivot, the pivoting musician, career change, music boss, solopreneur, entrepreneur, musicpreneur, misfit musician, classical musician, jazz musician, indie pop, application, class, TPM class, webinars, growth, failing forward, mistakes, coach, career coach, music coaches

You cannot succeed unless you try. When it comes to the growth process, making mistakes is just inevitable. You will stumble and fall along the way, but that’s perfectly okay! Why? Because that means that you are stepping outside of your comfort zone and growing! Listen to Episode 16, today, to hear more about failing forward. Enjoy!

E16 – Resources Mentioned:

Follow The Pivoting Musician!